Elixir 1.14's new `:optional` option when deriving the `Inspect` protocol

I recently discovered a new option for the Inspect protocol introduced in Elixir 1.14 — the :optional option.

Deriving the Inspect protocol

When we derive the Inspect protocol for a struct, we have three options we can use to change how the struct is presented:

  • Only show specific fields,
  • Show everything except some fields, and
  • Since Elixir 1.14, make fields optional — only showing them if they differ from their default values.

Let’s take a User struct as an example:

defmodule User do
  defstruct [:name, :email, admin: false]

By default, when we inspect a User struct, we’ll see this:

iex> %User{name: "Frodo", email: "frodo@baggins.com"}
%User{name: "Frodo", email: "frodo@baggins.com", admin: false}

:only certain fields

Let’s now derive the Inspect protocol and tell it to show only the :name:

defmodule User do
  @derive {Inspect, only: [:name]} # <= add this
  defstruct [:name, :email, admin: false]

Now, let’s see what the User struct looks like:

iex> %User{name: "Frodo", email: "frodo@baggins.com"}
#User<name: "Frodo", ...>

It only shows the name. Very nice.

Everything :except certain fields

Likewise, we can show everything except a field:

defmodule User do
  @derive {Inspect, except: [:name]} # <= add this
  defstruct [:name, :email, admin: false]

Let’s see what that looks like:

iex> %User{name: "Frodo", email: "frodo@baggins.com"}
#User<email: "frodo@baggins.com", admin: false, ...>

As you can see, that printed all the fields (including the default ones) except the name.

Making some fields :optional

Finally, Elixir 1.14 introduced the :optional option:

defmodule User do
  @derive {Inspect, optional: [:admin]} # <= add this
  defstruct [:name, :email, admin: false]

We set the :admin to be optional. Let’s see how that looks:

iex> %User{name: "Frodo", email: "frodo@baggins.com"}
%User{name: "Frodo", email: "frodo@baggins.com"}

As you can see, the User struct doesn’t show the admin field because we’re using the default.

But what if we change it to something else?

iex> %User{name: "Frodo", email: "frodo@baggins.com", admin: true}
%User{name: "Frodo", email: "frodo@baggins.com", admin: true}

Aha! Now the Inspect protocol is showing us the admin field!

When would I use that?

Turns out Elixir sometimes uses that option to hide deprecated fields. And it can be used in Ecto to hide associations when they’re not loaded!

Pretty neat, huh?

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